Wednesday, 13 August 2014


Off to school tomorrow. Yay kinda super anxious and speech dun dun dun. I will be fine. I just had to have a talk wit my parents they sat me down as was all like what has caused your anxiety? We can tell you are very depressed and anxious and we are going to start you doing lots of exercise to help, haha have they completely forgotten that I have to gain weight not lose it!! Oh well yay exercise I guess!! They also want me to start seeing my conceller/physicologst again I will call her M on this :) they said I keep falling back into my old ways... if only, pretty sure it's worse not so much the anxiety still back to stage one but not worse as far as eating and depression go well... if only they knew hw much I weigh at the moment,they still think I weigh 46 when I really weigh 42. And if they saw my new cuts done this afternoon on my ankle well that would have me in a mental hospital in ten minutes, so for now long socks! I don't even know wha happened I was practicing my speech and every time I messed up I cut myself with the siccors...I don't really feel guilty about it, it helped my frustration and depression drain away as this was soon after my mum yelled at me and I was still very upset. Good thing now is that because it hurt like hell I now know my speech off by heart :P  the only good thing, I am nt oing to do it aim very stupid!! Please don't do it it's not worth it please if you don't do it for yourself at least stop for your friends and family! Anyway not doing it again, I was very dumb and did it above my ankle above where my longest PE socks go. We have to where ankle socks for PE no exception if you forget your PE socks you have to go bare feet and my ankle socks don't cover my cuts and no jelewery so no anklets and a plaster isn't big enough I would need like five or six and it is obvious that isnt from my cat or a thorn bush etc it is really clear that it is a cut...from me... And make up doesnt work I've tried. So if any of you have tips please comment or email me ASAP ! Please I have PE first period tomorrow and really don't want everyone seeing, Ahh!! So don't be like me recover it's worth it!! Today was like my relaspe for andiety ED and depression all in one day...

Anyways see ya later!! Be warned anxious post in the morning garenteed :/

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