Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Photos... And anxiety

Hey guys I am really sorry but the photos had just finished downloading off my camera onto the computer as I was just about to copy them onto my post but my mum came in and said she needed the computer for work even though I was also doing homework at the time, oh well I wasn't even going to try to fight back as I knew I was going to lose either way so hopes up tomorrow strait after school!! I will try sorry xoxo! :)

Well my day was okay it started off very stressful but was okay once I was at school, I find that I get anxiety before entering each class with a different teacher and students and especially before school! I went to a phsocologist for almost a year to try and help my anxiety as I was not coping at all self harming and it got so bad that I pretended to be sick for two weeks, well I started off actually sick but then it turned into anxiety but my symptoms were pretty much the same (nausea, vomiting etc.) and I didn't notice. For about three months I felt terrible I was scared to be in public or around people yet I was terrified of being alone, I had to go to school but threw up very morning before school and occantionly at school in the bathrooms (see where my ED started?) I spend most of my time at the councilors office or crying outside my class to scared to go in. It was horrible. Thankfully it is no where near as bad now just a little to make my day difficult and stress full but that's okay I have learnt to live with GAD and hopefully I will continue to improve but I have been told that I will never be free from GAD it will always be with me :/ but who cares?? Not me, got to keep positive :) :)

If anyone has questions about anxiety or GAD please feel free to comment them or if you want to email me privately, hey I don't even care of I don't know who you are or your name feel free to be anonomus! I am here to help, I love helping people :) :)

Anyway this post has kind of turned into anxiety not photos oh well have a awesome night!! :) xoxo :) :)

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