Friday, 5 September 2014

I'm back!! (and photos from yesterday)

Well it turns out I was only away for two hours so not a long practice. We did go to my favorite cafe and I had a chicken and avocado rice paper roll and the amazing ginger and pistachio slice with these hot chocolates they do and it is pretty much a glass of hot milk with melted chocolate at the bottom!! Yum!! Tennis registration today and coaching starts next Saturday morning!! Cant wait then it is only four weeks until volleyball starts again!! hoary for summer sport!!

This is my outfit I went to the mall in yesterday, I was pretty nervous as it was a tight top, but it all went fine. I started to get bloated after I ate (which is normal when trying to put on weight it will go away when you reach a healthy weight :)) so I just did up my puffer jacket and all was fine!!

 Haha this plus my puffer jacket as it was raining and only 3 degrees!!
 My amazing friend somehow did this to my hair!! It is a four strand inverted french plait. How?? I have no idea!!

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