Monday, 22 September 2014

Desert time!!

Hey guys!! Today was an awesome day!! I hope it was for you too!!
Well it didn't start off well because I completely forgot about my french test I had today as I was too busy stressing about my science test I had yesterday... oops... But it went okay I think.. It was hard but that's what you expect when you remember the morning of the test and try to study quickly before school.. I mean I know I passed, but it wont be top marks.. But doesn't matter its only one test.
Our teacher still hasn't put up the volleyball teams!!! grrr!! I want to know!!!
Oh and we got our static image results back today as well and I got an E!!! YAY!! and not only that it was the top of class too!! And our teacher only gave out 4 E's in our class as well, most people got A's(achieved,just..)... So an excellence I am really happy about. And it was the first time my teacher EVER complemented my work, and said she was really impressed by it and she showed it at the staff meeting (over 100 teachers, I know our school is huge!) and it is the first piece of student work she is putting on the wall!! Haha super happy!! I didn't even think it was that good but everyone else thought it was so yay!

And I am still worried about my friend... I hope she is okay!!! What could she of done that her parents want to call the police?? She is soo innocent!! She would never do drugs or anything like that, She just wouldn't, and even if it was, doing that wouldn't make all your friends hate you and your boyfriend dump you!! Would it... I am soo worried!!

For afternoon tea I was hungry so I decided to have a can of salmon!! Haha I completely forgot how disgusting it looks!! But it tastes sooo good so I am not complaining.

For desert tonight I deiced to try out this new recipe... Its done in the slow cooker and called chocolate custard jelly. So from how much of the liquid I tasted before I added the eggs it tasted really good!! So hopefully they will be nice!!
 The bad thing is they have to cook for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours!! I am so impatient I cant wait that long!!!
 Oh and meet Tick, he is my little kitchen timer I got last year for Christmas!! He is sooo cute!!

Anyway have a nice afternoon!!

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